The Indian Philosophical Congress – 98th & 99th Joint Sessions

On behalf of the Indian Philosophical Congress, we extend you the most cordial invitation to attend its 98th and 99th joint sessions, to be hosted by the Vice-Chancellor, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu from December 18-21, 2024. Professor Kusum Jain, Former Head, the Department of Philosophy, Rajasthan University, Rajasthan, is the General President of the 98th and 99th joint sessions of IPC. The theme chosen for this session is: “Diversity of Indian Culture.”

The Vice Chancellors/Directors/Deans are requested to nominate delegates from their Universities/Institutes to attend the Congress. The Vice-Chancellors, Heads of the Departments of Philosophy and the members of the Indian Philosophical Congress are requested to disseminate this information in their institutions and academic circles.

Call for papers

Authors are invited to submit and present original and unpublished research papers/articles pertaining to the focal theme of the congress /in any area of Philosophy. 15th November 2024 is the last date for submission of abstracts of 200 words along with papers of not more than 1500 words (4 pages, double-spaced). Paper writers are requested to send their papers in Word and PDF to the local secretary with a copy to the General Secretary, IPC. ( They must furnish proof of their membership of IPC while submitting papers in hard copy to the Organizing Local Secretary, Dr. J. Thirumal, (Mobile:9842303288, (E-mail:, Head, Department of Philosophy, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar 608002, Tamil Nadu. Papers and abstracts received after this date will not be considered.      

IPC Membership Fees

Three categories of membership fees of the IPC are as follows: Life Membership: Rs.4000/- Ordinary Membership: Rs.500/-(annual) Associate Membership: Rs. 150/- (annual – only for students and research scholars) All persons (excluding Life members) attending the Congress are required to pay the annual membership fee of the IPC. The above three categories of fees may be paid in the IPC Account (Account No.55113200517, State Bank of India, Shastri Bhavan Branch, New Delhi 110001, IFS Code: SBIN0050203.), by giving the name, full postal as well as email address. Alternatively, the membership fee may be sent by Cheque/ DD drawn in favour of “Indian Philosophical Congress,” Account No. 55113200517, to Prof. LaxmikantaPadhi, Treasurer of IPC, Dept. of Philosophy, North Bengal University, Siliguri, West Bengal. Mobile:9832383948, submitting full details. Besides, the aforesaid particulars should be sent to the General Secretary ( to the Treasurer (

Important Dates

  • Full paper submission: November15, 2024 
  • Notification to authors: After 7 days of submitting the paper
  • The last date of registration is 15th November 2024

Account Details

Account NO     : 621201159974
Customer ID     : 596801098
IFSC Code        : ICI0006212
Branch              : Annamalai Nagar
Steps to Pay UPI QR Code
Open UPI app > Select Tap to Pay > Scan QR Code > Enter Amount

How to Reach the Venue

Annamalai University can be reached from Chennai Airport (300kms) or Chennai Egmore Railway Station (247KM). From Chennai Egmore Railway station, one can take a train and the nearest railway station to Annamalai University is Chidambaram Railway Station, located about 2 km away from the University. From Chennai KoyambeduBusstand, one can take a bus to Chidambaram via Pondicherry/Puducherry and alight in Chidambaram Bus stand which is the nearest to Annamalai University. The organisers will make necessary arrangements to receive the participants at the Chidambaram Railway station.

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